Mexico’s Original Tortilla
DONTILLA is a nixtamal to masa (non flour) tortilla.
Taste the difference between DONTILLA and corn flour tortilla on the first bite: the deep natural flavor of corn that improves any taco, offering a flexible yet resistant tortilla.

We only use genetically diverse Heirloom Corn grown in Mexico, which is most suited for making tortilla. We choose it carefully and bring it to Japan to make DONTILLA’s flavor experience.

Corn Only
By using only Mexican Native Corn (non-GMO and non-hybrid) we preserve the diversity of this plant, which is the beauty of Nature and richness of the Farmers.


Traditional Method
Nixtamal is an alkaline treatment, used to cook corn for tortilla.
This process increases availability of calcium, vitamins and starch while getting the best flavor and texture.
Nixtamal is No Easy Matter
Mastering the technique isn’t a walk in the park. It took us a while to nail it down, learning from folks in Mexican villages and expert chefs.

Good Water
for Good Hydratation
As a basic ingredient, we use fresh water from Tanba-Sasayama, Hyogo.
Hydration is a very important point regarding the quality of DONTILLA, and we are lucky to have this clean and fresh water at hand.
Flour Free
Stone Mill
We straight stone mill and bake, to keep all the good qualities of our dough.
Using traditional fresh dough makes a big difference from those made with industrialized corn flour.
Enjoy the resistance, softness and taste of corn from this traditional method.

Freshly Baked
We pre-cook our DONTILLA to the exact point to keep hydration inside. So after you cook them, you will enjoy a finished on the spot, freshly baked tortilla.

Vaccum Pack & Freeze
Finally, we vacuum pack and freee DONTILLA to keep it fresh, tasty and safe for longer.